Kamis, 30 November 2017

Drama si pitung bahasa inggris

Drama si pitung bahasa inggris

Si Pitung jagoan betawi

In Batavia clashes between Batavia and the Netherlands, there was a young man (at the time), nicknamed the Pitung. He is a man who comes from Betawi Batavia he wants to defend from attack Belanda.Dan at that moment the Dutch groats with 3 daughters and two of his men. Go to foraging in the area of Batavia
Groats                  : "Let's fill the stomach at that traditional restaurant”
Mary                     : “let’s go “
 (at the traditional restaurant)
Groats                  : “give us some food please”
Father                   : “okay sir”
(then they eat the food to finish)
groats                   :”mary lets go home!”
father                   : “but sir,the food has not been paid”
Groats                  : ” how dare you ? did you know who i am?”
father                   : ” Sorry sir, but it's the rules”
Groats                  : ”Arghhhh..”( He was angrily and pounded the table)
father                   : ” Sorry sir” (With the face of fear)
(Pitung suddenly came up with emotion)
Pitung                   :” what happened in here?”
Groats                  : “You should not interfere”
Pitung   : ” who are you? How dare you interfere my father and a resident here”
Groats                  : ” I was the one in power here”
Pitung                   : ”what? I can not listen to your message, hahaha)
Groats                  : ”how dare you? mamat finish him”
Mamat                 : “okay sir”
(fight begins, pitung was the winner)
father                   : ” thanks pitung  “
pitung                   : ” it's nothing for me”
 (at home groats)
Mary                     : ”daddy what happen ?”
 (In the park they accidentally meet)
Mary                     : “hmmm,, the air is so fresh”
Pitung                   : “hey lady, what are you doing in here?”
Mary                     : ” im just walking around the park”
pitung                   : ” may i know what is your name??” (Thrusting his hands)
Mary                     : ”my name is mary, and you ?”
Pitung                   : “my name is pitung”
Mary                     : "Pitung, if you want to accompany the first to take a walk around the village?”
Pitung                   : “okay, lets go”
(Even they walk around and show a necklace, one trip at a time when men groats see them being a walk in the village)
 (at home groats)
Mamat                                 : “sir,mary was walking around the village without pitung!”
Groats                  : “what?!?!, Tell her to go home”
Mamat                                 : “okay sir”
(in the park)
mamat                  : “miss mary, your father Mr. Groats told me to Miss mary go home”
Mary                     : “What ? I do not want to go home.”
By forcing mary mamat forced return
Mary                     : “PITUUUUUUUUUUUUUNG !!!!!”
Pitung                   : “mary, I PROMISE that I will return you this necklace”
Meanwhile, at home Groats

Mary                     : “i hate you daddy, You never understand my feelings!”
Groats                  : “you talk a lot! go to room, NOW !!!”
Next day
Pitung                   : ” hey groats, come out!”
Groats                  : “what are you doing in here?”
Pitung                   : “What are you doing yesterday told your men forced Mary home?? What attitude      of the GOOD FATHER!!? "
Groats                  : “arghh, you talk a lot”
Pitung                   : ”how dare you?”
Pitung                   : ”where is mary ?!?!?!”
Groats                  : ” she is not here, get out from my house!”
(then, Pitung returned home after that, groats held a contest)

Groats                  : “hey you all, I will hold a contest for all of you who ever can capture pitung and bring him to me, for I would kill to get attractive prizes from me "
(at father’s traditional restaurant)
Maman                : “Come join the contest dung!”
Dudung                : “are you crazy? I didn’t want to join that contest, pitung is my best friend”
father                   : ” what did you say? whether the treatment you own against your friends?
Maman                : ” I'll do it for the sake of reward!!!
(maman and Dudung out,, Pitung’s father tell about it)
father                   : “piitung be carefull with maman, he had a plan to trap you by gift”
Pitung                   : “I do not believe that, maman is my best friend”
father                   : pitung belive me, i do not lie(while pray with iwan)
( At home Groats )
Maman : " Groats ! ! ! ! "
Groats : " Heh you see who is in front of the house !"
mamat : " Ready Groats ! "
Mamat : " Ea ... What are you doing you on my Boss house ? ? "
Maman : " Uh ... do not be angry .... say this to your boss , I know where the Pitung and weaknesses"
mamat : "sir , said that people outside Pitung he knows where and what their weaknesses. "
Groats : "WHAT ? ? ? Come out ! "
Groats : " Hey, What do you know Pitung weakness ? ? ? "
Maman : " Wets wait , where the prize ? ? "
Groats : " Well OK, mamat get me a gift for him . "
mamat : " This is the prize . "
Groats : "Well , what Pitung weakness ? "
Maman : " Okay , he could die if he was shot with a golden bullet . "
Groats : " Owh , gold bullet huh ? ? ? OK OK , I'll try your suggestion of this . "
( home Pitung )
Groats : " mamat , catch and bring Pitung here ! ! ! "
mamat : "Yes sir !"
( Then they catch the Pitung )
Pitung : Release me ! ! ! What are you doing to bring me here ? " ( Wondering in an emotional state )
Groats : " Uh Pitung , because you 've made I get angry , I will KILL YOU with my hands , MWAHAHAHA ! ! ! "
Mary : " No dady NO !" ( As she wept and pleaded with her father not to kill Pitung )
Pitung : "Come on Mary you do not worry , I'm okay "
( Then Groats start cocked his gun and directed to Pitung )
Pitung : " Come shoot me "
( Then the first shot was Pitung can avoid And second shot can be arrested in his mouth )
Pitung : You do not know what this is ? It moves its name moves lizard catch its prey yeah
( Groats was upset and he quickly changed into a golden bullet pistol bullet , and he cocked the gun again and lead to the Pitung )
Groats : " Arghhh , Pitung YOU MUST DIE ! ! ! ! "
Mary : " NOOOOOOO , DAD ! ! ! ! ! "
( And finally the bullet hit right in the chest Pitung , then he fell to the ground , Mary ran to him , and spoke Pitung )
Pitung : " Mary , this necklace is yours " ( As I feel the pain that is very ill )
Shortly Pitung 're feeling pain , Dudung was very upset and he immediately took the gun 's in the bag and he immediately shot towards Groats .
Dudung : " Pitung ! ! ! ! ! Groats YOU MUST DIE ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! "
mary : " Pitung wake up ! ! ! ! ! You should not just leave me "
Dudung : "Yes , let's take it to the house . "
And finally thanks to the struggle of their Pitung all live peacefully and no more fights between the Netherlands and Batavia

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